Domestic and Export Wholesale supplier of:
Clears, dressing grade, Industrial grade and packaging grade
Industry range of sizes available
Dressed timber
Bandsawn face available
Kiln dried/heat treated, LOSP H3.1 and H3.2 treated and untreated timber
Standard and customised profiles
Special profiles to match existing patterns
Decking – premium and standard
Premium batten
ISPM15 certified and stamped dunnage​​
Please contact us if we can be of service

Wholesale suppliers of certified ISPM15 wooden packaging, pallets, crates, bins and dunnage
- Dispatch pallets, standard 2 way 1100 x 1100, 4 way 1200 x 1000 export pallets and 2 way 1540 x 120 store pallets
Custom built pallets/crates to your requirements
Tailored stencilling available
Made to order wine, seed and industry bins
Pallet/bin components (kitset)
Heat treated, ISPM15 certified and stamped dunnage
Green sawn dunnage
Cut to length
You need it we produce it – please call our pallet team on (03 5287082 or Freephone 0800 784 966) or drop us an email (matthew@southwoodnz.co.nz) if you would like a quote.